Customer displays, monitors and POS PC’s are some of the display solutions we offer for your check out and point of sale solution. Whether you need a customer display or a display for your staff, we have the right solution for you. When you need to show your customers the prize or product information, the quality of the screen or display is important. The text needs to be clear and easy to read, so that no miscommunication occurs toward the customer. Give your customers the best terms with a high quality display and create the best communication and experience for your customers. At Delfi Technologies we have a wide selection of high quality display solutions in simple designs and different sizes - no matter what system you have, we can help you to find the best solution, and thereby optimize your customer service and work methods.


A wide selection of customer displays

At Delfi Technologies we have a wide selection of different customer displays, which we are ready to guide and help you choosing for your POS-system. Today, most customer displays come with touch screens, which make the designs elegant and easy to fit in every retail environment. Therefore, your decision should depend on what the display should be used for.

The classic solution

We have the classic solution of customer displays, where there is a screen towards the employee and a little display towards the customer, which is used to show prize and product information. Typically, this type is used at the cash register or check out in retail businesses or in restaurants.

Displays for self-service check outs

Nowadays, it's more and more common to experience self-service check outs in retail stores, which makes the check out process quicker for the customers. For this, many use a touch display to assist the POS-system for the customers to easily check out themselves.

Displays for prize checks

Most grocery stores (and many other kinds of stores) use customer displays with incorporated scanners for prize checking products. This makes it easy for the customer to quickly check a prize on a given product without having to find an employee - who might not know the prize too.

Optimize your customer experiences

Common for all customer displays is that they are able to connect to your existing POS-system or cash register - and they are made to optimize your work processes as they save you both time and money. Last but not least, they optimize your customers experiences in your business.